Saturday, March 17, 2007

Competence and perspectives.

A couple of days ago I needed help on my laptop, the IT support guy from Mumbai branch office helped me out, but he had a lot of attitude to do a job after I requested her the third time, sharp contrast to my earlier experience in Surat.

Made me wonder why? Why the people refuse to perform to there best abilities in a simple Job? Why don’t they have the will, motivation to do a job well? and it is not about money? It about doing a good job?

Few days later I saw a traffic police hawaldar at an andheri signal…managing the hopeless traffic flow. A rickshawala broke the rule parking on a critical bend to unload the passenger , guess what ? the cap walked in calmly, slapped the autowala and walked back again not fining the guy just physically abusing the rickwala…the rickshawwala moved immediately clearing the closed traffic lane…hmmmmm

A job well done –okay not well done but quick and effective.
Same question?


What I see is important, but how I see it, is paramount. So my view of the task at hand is all that matters, may be I am an IT support assistant or a underpaid over worked hawaldar.
Our perspectives define our competence. no money no motivation can change perceptions
They can at best incentives for people to do a better job, just better not the best.


  1. Some times its hard for people even to imagine them selves giving their best.
    And other times empathy of others stop them to reach the pinnacle of their efficiencies.

  2. I think , a person can give one's best only if they love what they are doing! If there is passion and interest in the person's job, surely You will reap benefits from him / her! Finally, it needs an attitude to excel and perfect the art of performing...

  3. Guys, the whole thing is about attitude towards one's work!Anyone who loves the job, passionate about it and wants to grow will deliver the best. The job can be minuscule, but if done in efficiently in time bound manner, can give customer satisfaction - internal or external!
